2020 | Annual Conference on Social Work in the Global Environment

9th Annual Virtual Conference on Social Work in the Global Environment. The theme of this year's conference is: Social Determinants of Health: Local-Global Challenges for Vulnerable Populations.

The 2020 Annual Conference on Social Work in the Global Environment will be taking place online on Friday, November 6, 2020 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. All sessions will have live participation opportunities, but if you are unable to tune in during the live sessions, registered participants will have access to the recordings to view at any time.

Conference Overview

The year's virtual conference on Social Work in the Global Environment aims to contribute to the local global perspective in social work, utilizing the strategy: Thinking globally and acting locally. The theme of this year's conference is: Social Determinants of Health: Local-Global Challenges for Vulnerable Populations.

Presentation topics can include, but are not limited to the following sub-themes:

  1. Topics related to research, programs and global-local actions/activities on environmental impacts and issues affecting the Health and Well-being of Vulnerable Populations
    • Life Expectancy
    • Poverty
    • Natural Disasters and Related Health Emergencies
    • Epidemic Challenges -- HIV/AIDS, SARS, Coronavirus
    • Advancing Her Immunity
    • Zoonotic Disease and Climate Change
    • Social Work & Emergency Response
    • Race/Racism
    • Gender Discrimination and Women's Health
    • Infant Mortality
    • Capitalism and Global Health
    • Human Sexuality
    • Impacts of Technology
    • Domestic Violence
    • Parental Kidnapping
    • Gender Preference
    • Gun Violence
    • Road Safety
    • Obesity and Nutrition
    • Human Connections for Family in Environment
  2. Topics related to research programs and global local actions/activities on the impact of Regional and National Conflicts on Health and Wellbeing of Vulnerable Populations
    • Migration
    • Refugees
    • Family Separations
    • Food Insecurity
    • Water and Sanitation
    • Childhood Maltreatment
    • Child Labor
    • Child Soldiers
  3. Topics related to research, programs and global-local actions/activities on Challenges to Health Systems and Health Wellbeing
    • Bioethics
    • Healthcare Systems and Delivery
    • Health and Fragile Populations
    • Universal Health Coverage
    • Health Systems: Security and Financing
    • Affordability and Health Wellbeing
    • Public Health Policy
    • Government Budget for Public Health
    • Private Funding and Resources

Selection Process

Proposals submitted by the deadline of Monday, September 28th will be reviewed by the review board members using the following criteria: clarity of goals and objectives of the proposal, significance of the study to the social work profession, clarity of the writing, and compliance with the guidelines. Please read this full "Call for Proposals" before completing your submission online.

Types of Presentations

There are two different types of presentation sessions. Please indicate the presentation type via online submission.

  1. Paper Presentation: Accepted presenters will be asked to submit a pre-recorded presentation file for a 20 minute presentation, by Friday, October 9th. Live session times will be listed in Eastern Daylight Time.
  2. Panel: This is a live presentation that allows more than two presenters to discuss and share their work. Accepted panelists will be asked to submit a pre-recorded presentation file by Friday, October 9th. The duration of panel presentations is 30 minutes plus 10 minutes for Q&A. Live session times will be listed in Eastern Daylight Time.

Submission Instructions

Proposals should be submitted in a structured format and should include the following sections:

  • Title of the Proposal: 15 words
  • Overview: 50 words
    • Brief overview of the proposal stating the significance of the problem and study findings.
  • Learning Objectives:All proposal submissions must include three learning objectives. For example:
    • At the completion of this presentation, participants will state ow findings may influence practice.
    • At the completion of this presentation, participants will be able to identify protective and risk factors.
  • Proposal text: 300 words
    • Background and purpose: Description of the problem, study objectives, and/or research question(s)
    • Methods: Explanations of conceptual/theoretical perspective; policy/program analysis framework; and/or research methodology (e.g., qualitative or quantitative study design)
    • Results: Interpretation of specific findings and outcomes
    • Conclusion and implications: Discussion of action guide (what we need to do); Discussion of main outcome(s) and implications for practice, policy, education, and/or further research
    • References: Please list all references in the APA style.

Submission Deadline: Monday, September 28th, 2020

Please note that all proposals are to be submitted through this Submit a Proposal link. As part of the submission process, you are required to create an account on the submission webpage, provide author information (e.g., affiliation, address, and email of primary presenter and co-presenter), and indicate your preference for paper or panel presentation. Please feel free to contact Conference Chair, Dr. Barth Yeboah (Email: yeboah@kutztown.edu), if you have any questions regarding proposal submission. Proposal submitters will be notified via email of acceptance decision within two weeks from the deadline of proposal submission.