Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Document Type
authorship; ethics; decision-making; counselor education
Subject Area
Counselor Education
Counselor educators are often expected to write for publication and, although encouraged, collaboration creates authorship dilemmas. Using survey methodology, the present study focused on examining authorship practices of counselor educators regarding conceptual and research manuscripts (N = 246) and conference presentations (N = 121). Participants reported their experiences in three areas: (a) doctoral training related to authorship, (b) participation as an author while a doctoral student, and (c) current authorship practices as a faculty member. Detailed outcomes, implications, and recommendations for future research and training are discussed.
Recommended Citation
Swank, J. M., Houseknecht, A., & Puig, A. (2019). Authorship Decision-Making: A National Survey of Counselor Educators. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 12(2). Retrieved from