
Creation Date
This lantern slide is an image of a group of people displaying a peanut harvest in Marianna, Lee County, Arkansas. In the early 1900’s, peanuts became a major agricultural crop in 13 Southeastern states, including Arkansas. During the late 1860's, Dr. George Washington Carver discovered that crop rotation would regenerate soil nitrogen levels, producing robust crop yields. Farmers in the South slowly began following up the cotton crop with alternate crops such as peanuts. By the early 1900's, peanuts had replaced cotton as a money crop in the South, when the boll weevil destroyed the cotton crops.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
harvesting, peanuts, crops in Arkansas, Marianna, Arkansas, Lee County, farming in Arkansas, Keystone View Company, lantern slide