"Dick Bruna" by Roseld Laguatan

Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Date

Summer 7-10-2023


Dick Bruna was a talented and successful Illustrator and designer. He is most famous for his creation, Miffy, a curious simple white rabbit that has the innocence of a young child—which made her an endearing character to children all over the world. Because of his successful children’s books, he was highly sought after by children’s medical hospitals and world health organizations to help promote health and safety for children everywhere. He also designed thousands of spy, mystery and detective novel covers for his family’s publishing company. Bruna was a master designer of simplicity, color and form—able to convey a great deal of emotion though the use of simple lines, a limited color palette and striking layouts. Spanning six decades of work, he was a prolific individual with a variety of skill sets that made him a versatile artist.

LaguatanBrunaPosters.pdf (1437 kB)
Poster in the style of Dick Bruna

LaguatanPostersProcess.pdf (1411 kB)
Dick Bruna Presentation



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