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Most research can be submitted electronically. Click on a link below to submit your research. Some publications do not allow authors to submit directly. In these cases, you will be provided with a mail form to contact the appropriate administrator for further instruction.
- Annual Conference on Social Work in the Global Environment
- Anthropology and Sociology
- Anthropology and Sociology Faculty Research
- Anthropology and Sociology Student Research
- Anthropology Sociology Pennsylvania German
- Art and Design Department
- Communication Design: Design Pioneers
- Art Education
- Arts Administration Masters Theses
- Cinema, Television and Media Production
- CTM Faculty Research and Creative Work
- CTM Student Projects
- Communications on Number Theory and Combinatorial Theory
- Computer Science and Information Technology Department
- Computer Science and Information Technology Faculty
- Council of Trustees
- Kutztown University Council of Trustees Minutes
- Education
- Education Doctorate Dissertations
- English Department
- Composition Exemplars
- English Department: Linguistics ENG 334
- English Department Masters Theses
- English Department: Research for Change - Wicked Problems in Our World
- English Department: Research for Change - Wicked Problems in Our World - Remixed
- English Department Student Scholarship
- English Department: Traveling American Modernism (ENG 366, Fall 2018)
- English Department: Traveling American Modernism Posters (ENG 366, Fall 2018)
- Green Revolution
- History Department
- History Department Faculty
- History Department Students
- Honors Program Student Projects
- Honors Student Creative Works
- Honors Student Research
- Johannes Schwalm Historical Association, Military and Naval Microfilm Archive
- Dragoner Regiment Prinz Friedrich
- Hessiche Staatsarchiv Marburg Diary
- Hessiche Staatsarchiv Marburg E195
- Hessische Staatsarchiv Marburg Correspondence
- James Gambler Letters
- Johannes Schwalm Collection Finding Aids
- Johannes Schwalm Historical Association Documents
- Johannes Schwalm Microfilm
- Knotel Watercolors
- Portsmouth Admiral’s Letters, 1780
- Royal Navy Muster Tables 1783-1784
- Schwalm Marburg Files
- Schwalm Masburg Files
- Ships Carrying Returning Germans, 1783
- Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
- Journal of Dracula Studies
- Journals in the Research Commons
- KUCC -- Kutztown University Composition Conference
- KU Digital Collections
- Kutztown University Archives
- Lantern Slides for Education
- The Archives Magazine
- KU Inspires! Undergraduate Research Day
- Kutztown University Curriculum Committee
- UCC Action Memos
- UCC Minutes
- Kutztown University Doctoral Dissertations
- Kutztown University Masters Theses
- Kutztown University Senate
- Lantern Slides: The Cryder Bankes Collection.
- Masters in Fine Arts: Communication Design
- Mathematics
- Mathematics Faculty
- Modern Language Studies
- Modern Language Studies Faculty
- Normal Vidette of the Keystone State Normal School
- Pennsylvania Counseling Association (PCA)
- PCA Board of Directors Meetings
- PCA Bylaws
- PCA Conference
- PCA Division Certificates
- PCA Policy Manual
- Pennsylvania German Dutch
- Fersommlinge and Groundhog Lodge Meetings
- Kutztown Folk Festival Images
- Kutztown Folk Festival Performers
- Life Histories
- PA German Dutch Events and Interviews
- Pennsylvania German Dutch Liars Contests
- Pennsylvania German Dutch: Rahn Collection in Deitsch
- Pennsylvania German Dutch: Rahn Collection in English
- Philosophy and Government Department
- MPA Professional Seminar, Capstone Projects
- Psychology
- Psychology Student Posters
- Psychology Student Research
- Psychology Students Experience and Research
- School of Living
- School of Living Books
- School of Living Documents
- School of Living Images
- Secondary Education
- Sikaiana
- Sikaiana Dictionary
- Sikaiana Ethnography
- Sikaiana Films
- Sikaiana Guitar Songs
Sikaiana Images
- Auki, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands, 1980-1987.
- Pijin signs
- Sikaiana: Bird Net
- Sikaiana: Bishop’s Visit in 1980
- Sikaiana: Canoe
- Sikaiana: Church
- Sikaiana: Copra
- Sikaiana: Cyclone Namu
- Sikaiana: Dancing for the Bishop
- Sikaiana: Fishing
- Sikaiana: Food Preparation and Cooking
- Sikaiana: Gardens
- Sikaiana: Honiara 1980-93
- Sikaiana: Honiara Wedding
- Sikaiana: Kaleve Preparation
- Sikaiana: Mea Hau or Mea Tau Loom
- Sikaiana: Ontong Java
- Sikaiana: People
- Sikaiana: Photo Album 1
- Sikaiana: Photo Album 2
- Sikaiana: Places 1980-1993
- Sikaiana: Prime Minister Visit 1982
- Sikaiana: Puina
- Sikaiana: Rituals and Ceremonies
- Sikaiana: Tattoos
- Sikaiana: Teika Lle
- Sikaiana: Templeton Crocker/Old Photos
- Sikaiana: Tenaru
- Sikaiana: TIFF files
- Sikaiana: Vasa Mats
- Sikaiana: Wedding
- Sikaiana: Wedding Penupenu
- Sikaiana: Work and Technology
- Sikaiana: World War II
- Sikaiana Traditional Songs
- Sikaiana Traditions
- Social Work
- Social Work Doctoral Dissertations
- Social Work Faculty Research
- Social Work Student Research