"Tuition Prices are through the Roof" by Zara Zerman

Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Date

Spring 4-8-2021

Faculty Advisor

Andrew Vogel


Tuition prices have increased at a rate that is making it difficult and impossible for students to not accumulate debt. Education is a necessity for society because it gives students opportunities to pursue any career they have interest or desire in. There are many discussions and conversations about the higher education system being too expensive but there have not been any changes or solutions to make college more affordable for students. Loans, federal aid, and other scholarships that help students with the cost of college will never be enough to help with the overwhelmingness of tuition prices and student debt. This essay looks at practical solutions to decrease the price of higher education. It will also discuss the driving factors behind the constant increase in institution prices. Higher education is another steppingstone that someone can take in life. People should not be limited to certain careers or paths because education has become unaffordable for many. Without higher education society would suffer and without the decrease in education costs society is looking at a decrease in enrollment at colleges and higher education.



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