"Abram Games" by Lisa Wei

Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Date

Summer 7-10-2023


Abram Games always knew he wanted to design posters and from a young age, was focused

on seeking out his own opportunities. He made the decision to leave school in pursuit of more

quality art experiences and submitted work to several design competitions by the age of 21

years old. He is best known for his impactful and punchy style, but also for his independent

design nature and controversial posters shedding light on World War II atrocities and aftermath.

Games’s wartime work thrust him to the forefront of the industry and paved the way for dozens

of more high profile opportunities over the course of his life. His influence in graphic design and

British culture spans six decades, truly making his contributions a sign of the times and an

integral part of world history and record.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

L.WeiGamesPoster.Zonk1pdf.pdf (17622 kB)
Zonk poster

LWeiGamesPoster.Discipline3.pdf (10891 kB)
Discipline poster

LWeiGamesPoster.Lead2.pdf (20565 kB)
Lead poster



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