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Ebooks (KU Digital Collections)


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Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

ISSN 2164-3288

Welcome to the Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision (JCPS), a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to advancing the field of counselor education and supervision. JCPS serves as a platform for innovative research, thoughtful discourse, and practical insights in counselor training and professional development. Our journal strives to bridge the gap between theory and practice, offering valuable resources for counselor educators, supervisors, and practitioners alike. We invite you to explore our latest issues, submit your research, and engage with our community of scholars committed to excellence in counselor preparation and supervision.

Journal of Dracula Studies

ISSN 1492-708X

The Journal of Dracula Studies is published by the Department of English at Kutztown University. Edited by Dr. Jonathan Shaw and Dr. Nicole McClure, this peer-reviewed academic journal is published yearly and features scholarly articles from around the world on Bram Stoker, Dracula, and depictions of vampires in folklore, film and popular culture.

Kutztown University Archives (KU Digital Collections)

Included in this collection are digital images of items and documents in the history of Kutztown University.

Kutztown University Council of Trustees Agenda (Council of Trustees)

Kutztown University Council of Trustees Agenda

Kutztown University Masters Theses

This site features Master's Theses from across all the graduate programs at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Yearbooks 1920-1929 (Kutztown University Yearbooks, the Dr. Jon Charles Acker '90 Collection)

Yearbooks from the Keystone State Normal School from 1921 to 1928. In 1929, the name of the school became Kutztown State Teachers' College.