Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Volume 9, Number 2 (2017)
Below is a preview of “Final Editorial Notes,” the full document is available as the first manuscript in this issue.This is my last issue as editor of JCPS. In the 7 years I have been editor, JCPS has seen many changes. JCPS is now read in 181 countries, and in the past year has had over 26,000 downloads. We currently have 50 active editorial board members from across the United States. Since its inception in 2009, JCPS has published 19 issues with a total of 109 articles, and we receive over 70 manuscripts a year.
Every NARACES Executive Board member has given JCPS, and me, full support. I want to thank Larry Burlew, Jane Webber, Ellery Parker, Massiel Rosario, Andriana Matos, editorial board members, and the host of GAs that have worked to make JCPS a high-quality journal.
As with any journal, completing final edits of manuscripts is laborious. For this issue, with the amount of manuscripts published, (14!), completing final edits in time for publication would have been difficult. Several editorial board members stepped up to aid their support, by completing final edits, sometimes with a less than 24-hour turn around. Because this issue would not have been published on time without their help, I want to thank Roberto Abreu, Vanessa Alleyne, Jennifer Beebe, Stuart Chen-Hayes, Blaire Cholewa, Louisa Foss-Kelly, Yuh-Jen Guo, Les Kooyman, Eric Owens, Lacey Ricks and Tyler Wilkinson.
I have enjoyed my work with JCPS, and am ready to start a new adventure.
Final Editorial Notes
Edina Renfro-Michel
Exploring Internship Experiences of Counselors-in-Training through Pinterest: A Consensual Analysis
Jeffrey M. Warren and Mark Schwarze
Student Perceptions of Online Video Cases to Promote Helping Skills Training
Chris McCarthy and Karen French
Experiences of International Students in Practicum and Internship Courses: A Consensus Qualitative Research
Sangmin Park, Jee Hyang Lee, and Susannah M. Wood
Using Art-Based Multicultural Interventions to Reduce Counselor Trainees' Ethnocentrism
Cheryl Shiflett, Garrett J. McAuliffe, and Sarah Deaver
Therapeutic Relationship and Outcome Effectiveness: Implications for Counselor Educators
Nicole A. Stargell
Using Films to Increase Cultural Competence in Working With LGBTQ Clients
Melodie H. Frick, Heather Thompson, and Russ Curtis
A Journey Toward Feminist Supervision: A Dual Autoethnographic Inquiry
Melissa J. Fickling and Jodi L. Tangen
Voices from the Desks: Exploring Student Experiences in Counselor Education
Louisa L. Foss-Kelly and Jake J. Protivnak
Experiential Learning: Teaching Research Methods with PhotoVoice
Mazna Patka, Rieko Miyakuni, and Candice Robbins
Counseling Students’ Perceptions of Journaling as a Tool for Developing Reflective Thinking
Lindsay Woodbridge and Brenda Rust O'Beirne
The Impact of Dual Roles in Mentoring Relationships: A Mixed Research Study
Jennifer Boswell, Marcella D. Stark, Angie D. Wilson, and Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie
A Comparison Study of On-campus and Online Learning Outcomes for a Research Methods Course
Courtney M. Holmes and Christine Reid
Complete Issue
Fall 2017 Complete Issue
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision