Document Type

Research Project

Publication Date

Fall 12-6-2019


The study that we are conducting takes a look at how listening to music can affect reading comprehension and memory. Students at Kutztown University will sign up to participate through the SONA System, as well as a few friends participating in the study. We look to place the participants in a room with either playing music or having no music playing. Each participant will be randomly assigned to the condition. The music we will be playing will consist of Billboards Top 10 Songs on a shuffled and repeated playlist. We are using Billboard in order to play relevant music that may have an impact on the participant. In the end, we hypothesize that we will see a significant difference in scores, with the non-musical environment scoring higher than the musical environment. Also, we expect the see the scores of males have a more significant decline between environments. We found a M=60.62 with a SD=15.03 in participants in the music condition and a M=73.44 with a SD=11.96 in participants in the non-musical condition. Our findings show that music may impact reading comprehension and memory.
