"Various Ritual" by Silas Tilikohu


Silas Tilikohu

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A recording of Silas Tilikohu discussing various ritual events on Sikaiana in the Solomon Islands. The recording was done in 1983 by Bill Donner as part of ethnographic research.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.


Tape 41 Silas, one of oldest men on Sikaiana

Time of topics

:06 Hale Henua, ritual houses of clans (hale akina)

1:4 kunaaika (tattooing ceremony)

2:42 te lala i te Kunaika

5:49. Break in tape

5:50 Muli haahine, Muli taanata

6:38 the aitu in Hale Aitu, spirits who were worshipped in main spirit house

8:08 tino mate, replacing the aitu, spirits

9:20 counts out names of aitu (may not be complete)

10:00 Manea, change the materials in Hale Aitu

13:37 sang saka (songs)

14:20 Muli Haahine
