Sikaiana | Kutztown University Research | Research Commons at Kutztown University

These are files collected by Bill Donner during about 40 months of ethnographic research between 1980 and 1993 (the bulk were collected between 1980 and 1987) among the Sikaiana people of the Solomon Islands. These files include a dictionary of the language, an ethnography, films, and songs. More files will be added.

I am grateful to many people. First and foremost the many Sikaiana people who showed me so much kindness and help. I hope this site can partly repay them.

I also received a lot of help from the staff at Kutztown University Library for digitalizing most of this material.

More recently, Sue Czerny has helped with much of the preparation of this file and the staff of Bepress (Elsevier) have shown very courteous patience and help.


Browse the Sikaiana Collections:

Sikaiana Dictionary

Sikaiana Ethnography

Sikaiana Films

Sikaiana Guitar Songs

Sikaiana Images

Sikaiana Traditional Songs

Sikaiana Traditions