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An interview with Fane Telena concerning the traditional rituals of Sikaiana. There is a very good discussion of the Teika LLee, a ceremony performed when a large fish washes ashore to placate any dangers it might have.
A mp3 file is here and a wav file attached for archival puposes.
A timeline of topics is below:
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Telena, Fane, "Teika LLee and other rituals" (1982). Sikaiana Traditional Rituals and Beliefs. 3.
Tape 33A Fane
Timeline on tape.
000 work of the Aliki (Chief)
1:20 Teika Llee, (ceremony when fish washed ashore) good
7:40 Puutuna, women dance,
13:00 sing saka at this time when men and women join together
18: Kunuaika
19:00 Puina song festival when men and women break into separate groups to compose songs to sing to opposite sex
20:30. Succession of Aliki (Chief) before arrival of missionaries, several chiefs died in succession
23:20 destruction of hale aitu and hale henua destruction of ritual houses before arrival of missionaries
25:50 traditional leadership, two descent lines of island leadership
28:20 Hetuna (people who inhabited Sikaiana before its settlement by the ancestors of the Sikaiana people), Tehui Atahu and Tehui Luaniua, founder heros of Sikaiana