Date of Award

Spring 3-30-2018

Document Type




Degree Name

D.S.W. Social work


Social Work

First Advisor

Dr. David H. Johnson

Second Advisor

Dr. Curtis Proctor

Third Advisor

Dr. Alex Redcay


This study aimed to explore Hispanic parent/caregiver health literacy and emergency department (ED) utilization for children ages birth to 10 years of age from a single outpatient pediatric primary care office in Wilmington, Delaware. English language proficiency (ELP) was measured to determine whether ELP was a moderating variable for ED utilization in children of Hispanic parents/caregivers. The following research question was explored in this study: “Are there significant differences between levels of health literacy and emergency department utilization rates when controlling for level of English language proficiency in Hispanic parents/caregivers?” The research question was guided by the following hypothesis: “Hispanic parents/caregivers with higher levels of health literacy utilize emergency department services at lower rates when controlling for levels of English language proficiency.”

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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