Date of Award

Spring 4-21-2023

Document Type




Degree Name

D.S.W. Social work


Social Work

First Advisor

Dr. Sharon Lyter

Second Advisor

Dr. Yasoda Sharma

Third Advisor

Dr. Yoon Mi Kim


This dissertation sought to explore social workers’ perceived levels of knowledge, self-efficacy, and awareness of perinatal mental health. This study looked at how identifying as a parent, different social work licensures, and having additional training on perinatal mental health affect social workers' knowledge, self-efficacy, and awareness responses. Utilizing a quantitative survey, this dissertation found having additional training on perinatal mental health to have a significant impact on social workers’ knowledge, self-efficacy, and awareness.

Exploring social workers’ knowledge, self-efficacy, and awareness of perinatal mental health allows for self-reflection of one's own ability to assist this vulnerable population. Continued research in this specialty area is needed to explore social work and the impact social work can have on perinatal mental health.

Included in

Social Work Commons



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