"U.S. Prisons and System Reform" by Darian Reimels

Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Date

Spring 4-4-2021

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Vogel


Prison systems, specifically in the U.S., are a wicked problem. For years prisoners have been treated inhumanely inside and outside of prison, with everyone looking at them with a judgmental eye. This essay aims to point out and bring light to these issues within the prison system. Specifically, it focuses on how inmates are treated during and after serving their sentence, and solitary confinement. To better understand and explain the problems to you, extensive research was done. Articles were read, organizations were researched, and a documentary was watched to gather the information needed to write this essay. The results showed a large impact on how prisoners are affected by the way they are treated as a prisoner/ex-prisoner. The findings suggest that prisoners are not being treated as human beings, and their present and future are greatly affected by this treatment. With these findings, it is obvious that prisons need an update on how they treat their inmates, for the benefit of not only prisoners but society as well.



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