Author Guidelines | Kutztown University CSIT Faculty research | Computer Science and Information Technology Department | Kutztown University

Submission Guidelines for Computer Science and Information Technology Faculty

Instructions for submitting research and creative works to the Kutztown University Research Commons (KURC):

The submission process consists of three steps :

  1. Giving the KURC permission to publish your work online.
  2. Uploading the file.
  3. Checking that the file is correct once you have received the link.
  4. Step 1: Give the KURC permission to publish your work online.

      1. Fill out the permission form allowing the KURC to post your work at: .
      2. Step2: Upload your work:

        1. Go to the KURC website at:
        2. Select the COLLECTIONS link in the grey bar on the left.
        3. On the Collections page select the page where you want your work to be displayed.
        4. On that page, read the information under the Submission Policies in the grey column on the right, under AUTHOR CORNER.
        5. Select the SUBMIT RESEARCH link, also under AUTHOR CORNER, on the right.
        6. Fill out the form, which will also give you a place to upload your file.
        7. If you would like the library to upload the file for you, you can email your files directly to the KURC email address: Please include your abstract and up to 10 keywords or phrases in your email.

        Step 3: Checking your work

        1. When your work is uploaded, you will receive an email from the Research Commons team.
        2. The email will contain the permanent link to your research or creative work. Follow that link and make sure the work uploaded correctly. The link in the mail is the address to use when referring to or citing your work
        3. If you have any questions or concerns, reply to: