Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Counseling the Military Population: The Factor of Prior Military Exposure for Counselors-in-Training
Document Type
multicultural counseling, military culture, counselor-in-training, counselor educators
Subject Area
Clinical Supervision, Counseling, Counselor Education
Counselors must learn to ethically work with all cultures. This article explores how both counselors-in-training with prior military culture exposure and those with none can be trained to effectively counsel individuals from this culture. Additionally, the article highlights strategies for counselor educators on how to meet both groups’ learning needs.
Recommended Citation
Forziat, K. E., Arcuri, N. M., & Erb, C. (2018). Counseling the Military Population: The Factor of Prior Military Exposure for Counselors-in-Training. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 10(1). Retrieved from
Included in
Counseling Psychology Commons, Counselor Education Commons, Multicultural Psychology Commons