"Experiential Learning" by Stacey A. Havlik, Kaitlyn Schneider et al.

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type

Empirical Research Article


Experiential learning, service learning, school counselor training, pre-practicum

Subject Area

Counselor Education, School Counseling


In this study, participation in a pre-practicum site-based experiential learning assignment was examined. First semester pre-service school counselors who were enrolled in an introductory school counseling course, engaged in observation, counseling, and academic support with students and clients at community and school sites. Qualitative data was collected across three cohort groups and examined through phenomenological inquiry. Participants shared common themes, including that they: (a) Recognized inequities while they expanded their worldview; (b) Preferred a structured experience; (c) Valued relationships; and (d) Drew connections to the classroom and the field.



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