Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Document Type
Empirical Research Article
dissertation chair practices, dissertation, research mentorship, dissertation committee
Subject Area
Counselor Education
Students frequently attribute completion of their dissertation to having a successful dissertation chair. Yet, a successful dissertation chair has primarily been defined from the student viewpoint. Through the process of a Delphi study, a panel of dissertation chair experts in counselor education conceded on 37 items that contributed to their success. These items included a combination of instrumental and relational aspects of working with doctoral students on their dissertation. Implications for dissertation chairs to navigate self, others, and the structure are explored.
Recommended Citation
Jorgensen, M. F., & Wester, K. L. (2020). Aspects Contributing to Dissertation Chair Success: Consensus Among Counselor Educators. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 13(3).