Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Document Type
Anti-fat bias, counseling, counselor education, mental health, social justice, weight stigma
Subject Area
Clinical Supervision, Counseling, Counselor Education, Mental Health Counseling
People with larger body sizes are often the target of harmful stereotypes such as being lazy, unattractive, and unintelligent. Such stereotypes are part of an extensive system of oppression often intersecting with racism, classism, and ableism. When counselors and counselors-in-training are unaware of their own biases related to body size, larger bodied clients are at risk for further harm within the very place they are seeking support. This article provides professional counselors and counselors-in-training with the historical knowledge needed to examine their own biases and prejudices around body size and fatness to become better counselors and advocates for all clients. Implications for counseling and counselor training and a brief list of action items are included.
Recommended Citation
Kerl-McClain, S. B., Dorn-Medeiros, C. M., & McMurray, K. (2022). Addressing Anti-Fat Bias: A Crash Course for Counselors and Counselors-in-Training. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 15(4). Retrieved from