Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Document Type
sizeism, fatphobia, body diversity, weight normative, weight inclusive
Subject Area
Counseling, Counselor Education, Mental Health Counseling
The medicalized model of weight and weight loss upholds a Weight Normative Approach which assumes that: (a) weight and disease are positively and causally related, (b) weight loss correlates to better health, (c) bodyweight is controllable, and (d) significant weight loss is possible and sustainable. This approach contributes to harmful societal standards that increase prejudice against fat people. This study examined counselor educators’ (n=88) training, values, and implementation of size and fat phobia-related content in their CACREP-accredited counseling courses. Results indicated that many participants include size and sizeism in their courses; however, participants also reported agreement with tenants of Weight Normative Models. This research is a call to action for educators to adopt and advocate for a Weight Inclusive Model.
Recommended Citation
Boggs, C., Rule, M., Terrell, K. R., Brantley, M., Hamadi, H., & Ross, J. M. (2023). Normative Does Not Mean Inclusive: A Diverse Approach to Size in CMHC Training. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 17(4). Retrieved from