
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type



school counselor, roles, nonguidance duties, ASCA National Model, counseling


Today’s role-related issues in the school counseling literature are similar to the concerns from 100 years ago. To examine roles, Burnham and Jackson (2000) reported significant discrepancies between the actual practice of school counselors and the ideal roles identified in the literature, prior to the publication of the ASCA National Model. This replication study reexamines the status of school counselor roles twenty years later and includes roles addressed in the ASCA National Model. Overall, school counselor participants reported, on average, engaging in individual counseling for 35.37% of their time, 20.63% of time in small groups, 34.67% of time in classroom guidance, and 36.37% of time in nonguidance duties. Additional rates of role engagement are described along with offering comparisons between the present study and Burnham and Jackson’s (2000) findings. Implications for the school counseling profession are discussed.

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