Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Document Type
Relational Cultural theory pedagogy, digitally delivered counselor education programs, vulnerability, authenticity, asynchronous
Subject Area
Counselor Education
Relational Cultural theory (RCT) as a pedagogy in counselor education and supervision (CES) uniquely positions educators and learners for growth through vulnerability and authenticity. The authors in this article share their individual journeys with RCT along with practical strategies for implementing RCT as a pedagogy in an asynchronous digitally delivered counselor education program. Ethical implications are addressed.
Recommended Citation
Powell, J. V., Bradley, N., Patton, J., Bailey, C. L., Szirony, G. M., & Levingston, K. (2024). The Application of Relational Cultural Theory in Digitally Delivered CE Programs. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 18(2).