
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type



Relational Cultural Theory, supervision, self-efficacy, counselors-in-training

Subject Area

Counselor Education


Supervision is one of the foundations of counselor development within counselor training programs and post-education licensure and certification processes. While educators have created many theories to address the supervision needs of counselors in training (CITs), relatively few address relational development and its impact on CITs’ self-efficacy. The researchers sought to address this gap by exploring Relational Cultural Supervision with practicum-level CITs. The researchers conducted a qualitative investigation utilizing a case study to examine the impact of Relational Cultural Supervision on practicum-level CIT reports of self-efficacy in a large CACREP-accredited university in the Southeastern United States. Results indicate that Relational Cultural Supervision positively impacts CIT development with a 26.4% increase in the cases self-efficacy levels from pre- to post-assessment. The researchers offer recommendations for using Relational Cultural Supervision and areas for future research.





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