Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Volume 7, Number 1 (2015) Spring
Editorial Note
We are excited to bring you the Spring 2015 issue of the Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision. This issue focuses on training counselors and counselor education. Mariksa uses Charmaz’ Grounded theory to explore students’ experiences using their own life information during pre-practicum role-plays. Jensen, McAuliffe and Seay investigate the relationship between pre-service counselors’ cognitive developmental levels and their competency skill levels. Merryman, Martin and Martin research the relationship between student psychological well-being and perceived wellness. Hannon and Hunt describe how to integrate grief counseling content into counselor education programs with specific examples. Lastly, Swank and McCarthy study the effectiveness of the Counselor Feedback Training Model as it relates to counseling students’ beliefs and self-efficacy around the feedback process during training.
As editor, I thank all of the dedicated reviewers who worked quickly and diligently to produce high quality manuscript for JCPS. I also recognize my Associate Editor Jane Webber, Editorial Assistant Ellery Parker, and Graduate Assistant Lauren Spinella who spent many hours working with reviewers and authors. Additionally, I thank the NARACES Board for their continued support.
The Client Role in a Pre-Practicum Counseling Skills Course
Michael Mariska
Developmental Level as a Predictor of Counseling Skills
Margaret J. Jensen, Garrett J. McAuliffe, and Renee Seay
Relationship Between Psychological Well-Being and Perceived Wellness in Online Graduate Counselor Education Students
Wendy Merryman, Magy Martin, and Don Martin
Effectiveness of the Counselor Feedback Training Model
Jacqueline M. Swank and Shannon McCarthy
Training Students to Provide Grief Counseling
Michael Hannon and Brandon Hunt
Complete Issue