This file includes subfiles of images from Sikaiana that were taken by Bill Donner as part of ethnographic research from 1980-1993. The subfiles are organized topically. These are jpeg files to view more easily. Click on some images and they include brief commentary.
Photo Album 1 and Photo Album 2 include unorganized photos.
Viewers may want to go to the Tiff files which include most the photos in a tiff format for archival purposes.
I am greatly indebted to Rebecca Domas, at the time a student at Kutztown University, for an immense amount of help organizing and posting these images. She made many useful suggestions.
Please view and use these images in a way that respects the culture of the Sikaiana people. Any commercial use is prohibited unless approved by representatives of the Sikaiana people, who can be found in Honiara or the Area Council on Sikaiana.
Browse the Sikaiana Images Collections:
Auki, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands, 1980-1987.
Sikaiana: Bishop’s Visit in 1980
Sikaiana: Dancing for the Bishop
Sikaiana: Food Preparation and Cooking
Sikaiana: Mea Hau or Mea Tau Loom
Sikaiana: Prime Minister Visit 1982
Sikaiana: Rituals and Ceremonies