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Sina ma Puna by Kahana. Told to me in 1981, this story was transcribed and translated by me with supervision of Kahana’s brother, Dr. John Kilatu. I really like Kahana’s rendition and his ttani kkai (the sung parts).
I have a short description in English, followed by a transcribed form, and then an interline transcription with a translation that includes the time locations in the tape, and then the story in English.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Sikaiana, Kahana, "09 Story Tala Sina ma Puna Telauponana Telauponini" (1981). Sikaiana Oral Stories. 3.
wav file
Sina ma Puna finalTelauP.pdf (141 kB)
Transcription and Translation
The recording here is a mp3 file. There is an attached transcription and translation and an attached wav file.