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A recording of Fane Telena discussing the Huata (a havest ceremony) and other traditional rituals in traditional Sikaiana life before the conversion to Christianity. The recording was made by Bill Donner as part of ethnographic research in the Solomon Islands from 1980-1983. I think the other voices on the tape are Mantai her nephew and Teavaki who lived with her.
There is a break in the tape (about 30 minutes in) where I asked a question in which I confused two different ceremonies.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Telena, Fane; Sikaiana, Mantai; and Teavaki, Dominik, "Huata and other rituals" (1982). Sikaiana Traditional Rituals and Beliefs. 6.
Fane 38B Manutai? Teavaki
:02 Huata
5:30 used to be really big harvests
5:55 Matapaa
6:50 Taumunimuni
7:05 Pule
21:40 Tuupao
26:00 Honu
27:00 song for Honu
27:56 break
28:48 do not join together discussion of another person with hers
29:40 New Year
30:20 I think I am mixing up Manea with Moana in my question
30:50 Kunaika discussion
32:03 tape break
32:28 Kutulana one day only
make a mat