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A recording of Fane Telena about various ritual activities included the Hale Aitu (central ritual house), Manea (ceremony to replace rotting materials in the Hale Aitu), and a very good discussion of the Teika Llee starting about 7:00 on the tape (ceremony to placate any dangers from a large fish washing ashore) and other activities. Another person is heard on the tape. I thnk this is Mantai, her nephew.
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Recommended Citation
Telena, Fane; Sikaiana, Manutai; and Donner, Bill, "Hale Aitu, Manea, Teika LLee" (1982). Sikaiana Traditional Rituals and Beliefs. 5.
Fane and Manutai(?) really good discussion of Teika Llee from 7:00 to about 44:30
:8 tape starts
:20. Hale Aitu, spirits inside central spirit house
1:00 prayers to aitu
1:53 tino mate, (replace aitu in hale) Manea (ceremony to renew Sprit House)
2:20 women lana vasa (weave mats)
3:45 Manea
4:35 put the old materials in the Tino Mate
4:50 if a lot of people got sick, they would replace the mats in the hale aitu
5:40 I can’t understand what I have not seen
7:00 break in tape
7:15 Teika llee (ceremony when large animal washes ashore), Aliki Noa (Temporary Chief made during Teika Llee) good discussion. Fane and Manutai?
SEE ALBUM 6, Traditional Songs
10:15 fish was tapu
10:40 Temporary Aliki was made
11:35 women were in Puutuna
11:45 tapu for women, who were pregnant, Aliki Moana (‘Chief of Oceans”) was source of fish
12:40 prayed to Tupua (spirits often associated with location)
15:55 sing song during Teika llee
16:20 chief and assistants come forth
7:20 another song to the the fish/animal
17:45 island does not have food, why did the fish (Aliki Moana) come ashore, what will you eat?
20:20 chief and others move away
21:50 call out spirits in spirit house, Hale Aitu
22:40. Call to Simiau, pretend to eat fish
23:50 cut fish head, take it to a special place
24:30 Puutuna, women taken by ritual leaders
26:00 women are “playing” inside house
26:30 tahao te henua, having fun, playing
27:38 ritual officers are together leading the group
29:00 dance and sing
30:40 oti ei, (finished) followed by various discussions about Teika Llee
32:30 Aliki Moana makes everything bad
Various discussions about Teika Llee
39:30 Saupoo
44:30 discussion of succession of Vusu and how he became aliki—((there are disagreements among Sikaiana people) about these details
46:00 discussion of succession to chief