Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Volume 10, Number 1 (2017)
Counselor in Training 360 Degree Case Conceptualization Process for Group Supervision
Meredith A. Rausch and Laura L. Gallo
Using Fidelity Measures to Support the Training of Graduate Students Working in School Settings
Nadia L. Ward, LaKeesha N. Woods, Patricia Simon, Jennifer Greif Green, and Michael J. Strambler
Clinical Supervisors' Knowledge of Supervisees with Problems of Professional Competency
Maribeth Jorgensen, Kathleen Brown-Rice, and Seth D. Olson
The Impact of Program Modality on Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam Subscale Scores
Chaya M. Abrams, Adriana de Raet, Deanna Mcculloch, Gregory Elliott, and Cheri Meder
Counseling the Military Population: The Factor of Prior Military Exposure for Counselors-in-Training
Kellie E. Forziat, Nicole M. Arcuri, and Chelsea Erb
Affirmative Client Care: Reconciling Evidence-Based Practices within Humanistic Engagement
Harvey C. Peters and Michele Rivas
Empirical Research Articles
Remedial Interventions Used with Students Enrolled in Counseling Graduate Programs
Kathryn L. Henderson and Roxane L. Dufrene
Burnout in Counselor Education: The Role of Cynicism and Fit in Predicting Turnover Intention
Susannah C. Coaston and Ellen P. Cook
A Phenomenological Study of Counseling Students’ Experiences with Ambiguity
Stephani A. B. Jahn and Sondra Smith-Adcock
Military Culture in Counselor Education: Assessing Educators’ Perceptions of Inclusion
Seth C.W. Hayden, Heather C. Robertson, and Emily Kennelly
Counselor Education Teaching Idea