
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type



professional identity development, parallel process, counselor educator-in-training, counselor-in-training, clinical supervision

Subject Area

Clinical Supervision, Counseling, Counselor Education


Counselors-in-training (CITs) and counselor educators-in-training (CEITs) have a similar need to develop professional identities that are genuine to self and congruent with the counseling and counselor education professions. As CITs and CEITs enter their respective professional roles, they experience a parallel process of professional identity development (PID). This parallel process can be used as a tool to promote PID during clinical supervision. The authors will explore the PID processes of CITs and CEITs, consider their mutual influence on each other’s growth in clinical supervision, and provide a case study application with suggestions for supervision practice that fosters mutual PID.



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