
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Volume 12, Number 3 (2019)



CACREP Accreditation Simulation: Transformative Learning in Counselor Education
Molly M. Strear, Jennifer L. Murdock Bishop, and Heather M. Helm


Teaching Ethical Decision-Making in Counselor Education
Dana H. Levitt, Connie S. Ducaine, Kimberly Greulich, Kelly Gentry, and Lisa Treweeke


Evaluation of a Youth Suicide Prevention Course: Increasing Counseling Students’ Knowledge, Skills, and Self-Efficacy
Laura L. Gallo, Diana M. Doumas, Regina Moro, Aida Midgett, and Sherise Porchia

Empirical Research Articles


Mental Health Professionals’ Attitudes toward Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder: An Exploratory Study
Edward T. Dunbar Jr., Shari M. Sias, Stephen Leierer, William L. Atherton, Robert J. Campbell, and Lloyd R. Goodwin Jr

Counselor Education Teaching Idea