Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Volume 14, Number 1 (2021)
A content analysis of counselor educators' teaching philosophy statements
Daniel P. Hall, Phillip L. Waalkes Dr., and Paul H. Smith
Enhancing Social Justice and Multicultural Counseling Competence through Cultural Immersion: A Guide for Faculty
Sonya Lorelle, Katherine Atkins, and Rebecca Michel
Supporting Practicing School Counselor’s Skill Development: A Hip Hop and Spoken Word Professional Development Intervention
Ian Levy and Matthew E. Lemberger-Truelove
Seventh Edition of APA Style: A Foundation for Advocacy in Counseling
K. Elizabeth McDonald and Amber Cook
Empirical Research Articles
Attitudes and Action: Social Tolerance and Legal Coercion towards Those Suffering from Schizophrenia
Fred A. Washburn and Meaghan C. Nolte
Training needs of counseling trainees in corrections: A survey of clinical directors
Frank DiCataldo, Brett DeJesus, and Don Whitworth
Preparing CACREP-accredited Doctoral Students to Teach
Meredith LT Montgomery and Mei Tang