"Assessing the Self-perceived Research Proficiency" by Yudan C. Wang, Tae-hee Kim et al.

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type

Empirical Research Article


research proficiency, research training, counselor-researcher

Subject Area

Counselor Education


This study provided a preliminary assessment of the adequacy of methodological training in a counselor education program. Twenty-four current and former doctoral students reported on their experiences with research training and self-perceived research proficiency via an online survey, and three students provided additional insight in individual interviews. We also analyzed the contents of the syllabi of the five methods courses offered in the program. Overall, students perceived a lack of proficiency in quantitative methods and a lack of opportunities to apply research skills in actual projects, even though the program offered a comprehensive sequence of methodological courses. We discussed the findings in light of our mission to train students who excel in all the professional identities of a counselor educator.



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