Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Volume 15, Number 1 (2022)
Mentoring Doctoral Students in Counselor Education for Research Competence: A Developmental Perspective
Nayoung Kim and Eunae Han
Burnout, Self-Care, and Supervision in Middle School Counselors
Sarah L. Evans Zalewski
Promoting Well-being from the Start: Implementation of a Wellness Curriculum
Nayoung Kim and Jayna Mumbauer-Pisano
Trauma-Informed Child Client Advocacy (TICCA) Plan: Conceptualization and Case Study
Aubrey D. Daniels
Cultural Humility: Lessons Learned through a Counseling Cultural Immersion
Katie Atkins and Sonya Lorelle
The Role of Emotional Overcontrol in Acceptance of Counselor Training Feedback
R. Erin W. Berzins, Andrew Wood, Colin C. Ward, and Ned Farley
Empirical Research Articles
Assessing the Self-perceived Research Proficiency among Doctoral Counseling Students
Yudan C. Wang, Tae-hee Kim, and Michael Brooks
Supervision Utilizing Expressive Art Activities: A Road to Group Cohesion and Professional Learning
Mi-Hee Jeon and Charles E. Myers
Modeled Wellness: How Perceived Supervisor Wellness Explains Supervisee Personal Wellness
Kevin A. Doyle and Laura Welfare
Counselor Education Teaching Idea
Race Matters: Managing Racial Tension when Teaching Multicultural Competence
Tiffany P. Brooks and Korinne H. Babel