"MODELED WELLNESS" by Kevin A. Doyle and Laura Welfare

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type

Empirical Research Article


counselor wellness, clinical supervision, modeling

Subject Area

Clinical Supervision, Counselor Education


In this quantitative investigation of 105 counselors-in-training, we analyzed how their perceptions of supervisor wellness are related to their own levels of wellness. The supervisee’s perception of their site supervisor’s level of wellness did explain the personal wellness of the counselor-in-training and the strength of the supervisory relationship acted as a suppressor variable in the expanded regression model. Implications for counselor educators and supervisors include the importance of adopting positive wellness attitudes and behaviors. Counselors-in-training appear to notice, for good and for bad, their supervisors’ levels of wellness. Adopting positive wellness attitudes and behaviors allows supervisors to model positive approaches.



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