"Increasing Cultural Humility via a Counseling Cultural Immersion" by Katie Atkins and Sonya Lorelle

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type



cultural immersion, international, multicultural competencies, transformative learning, curriculum development

Subject Area

Counseling, Counselor Education, Mental Health Counseling


Counselor educators are called to promote the development of cultural competence in counselors-in-training (CITs). The challenge of this process is in assessing competence as well as knowing andragogical strategies to facilitate this development. Cultural humility, in comparison, is a process-based framework that requires life-long self-reflection and open-minded stance towards others. Providing cultural immersion opportunities for CITs could be a teaching method to promote deeper cultural humility. This qualitative study examined the perceived impact of a cultural immersion experience on CITs and their cultural competence. Training implications for counselor educators and supervisors are also provided.

Included in

Counseling Commons



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