Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Volume 17, Number 2 (2023)
Let’s practice: Shaping crisis management of preservice counseling professionals
Yuleinys A. Castillo LPCC, CRC; Jason Cartwright M.A.; Mandy Greaves PhD, LMFT; and Suzanne Maniss
Experiences of Engaging in Contemplative-Reflexive Practices During Practicum
Erin Sappio, Terrilyn Battle PhD, Brielle DeLano, Destiny Foster, Marie Hayden, and Franki Berliner
Words Matter: The 7th Edition APA Publication Manual and Bias-Free Language Use in Counselor Education
Gregory S. Phipps, Sarah N. Baquet, Jehan Hill, Juan Pantoja-Patiño, Yoon Suh Moh, and Kalesha Jenkins
Practice Makes Progress: Using the Lifespan Course as an Example for Role-Play Implementation
Emily Horton and Ed Jacobs
Actionable Advocacy: Application of the Socially Just and Culturally Responsive Counseling Leadership Model
Susan Branco
Effective Writing Strategies and Feedback in Counselor Education
Lindsay Corinne Webster, Tessa M. Hastings, and Kelseigh Garrett
Empirical Research Articles
Attitudes of Counselors Toward Collaboration with Healthcare Professionals
Rashunda Miller Reed, Theodore P. Remley Jr., and Lillian M. Range
Experience of Underrepresented Students in Master’s-Level Counselor Education Programs
Deborah L. Duenyas, Andre Sumiel, and Jill Krahwinkel
Counselor Education Teaching Idea
Mindfulness Misconceptions in Counselor Education and Supervision: Mitigating Vicarious Trauma Among Counselors-in-Training
Elise Angelos and Adrienne Baggs