
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type



grief and loss, school counselor, school counselor training, preservice school counselors, CACREP-core, CACREP curriculum

Subject Area

Counselor Education, School Counseling


Each year, millions of school-aged children and teens experience grief and loss (Judi’s, 2023). This conceptual article describes the impact of grief and loss on school-aged children and the need to integrate grief and loss training into CACREP-accredited programs through the eight-core CACREP areas. Using Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory, the authors will highlight how counselor educators can infuse content to address grief and loss with preservice school counselors holistically across the various systems surrounding the student in each CACREP core area.

Manuscript_1657.doc (104 kB)
Final Approved Version



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