"Trainee Shame-Proneness and the Supervisory Process" by Cynthia Bilodeau, Reginald Savard et al.

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type



Shame, Supervision, Supervisory Alliance, Supervisory Process, Counselor Development


This study examined the influence of trainee shame-proneness on the supervisory process. A longitudinal design was employed to measure alliance ratings and perceived session impact of 43 counselor trainees undergoing a 5-session supervision process. Analysis of covariance revealed a significant relationship between supervisee shame-proneness and supervisory working alliance F (4, 126) = 3.38, p = .0116. Independent samples t-tests revealed high shame-prone supervisees rated significantly lower impact t (41) = 2.53, p = .02, d = 1.1. Implications for the practice of supervision are discussed.



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