Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Volume 4, Number 1 (2012)
Editor Notes
In this edition of JCPS we included articles focusing on research and practice in counselor education and supervision. As per the mission of the journal, we welcome all submissions in the following categories: research, techniques, counselor development, supervision issues, informed practice, clinical supervisor’s stories and book reviews related to counselor education and supervision. The articles by Buser et al. and Patterson and Levitt focus on research areas related to beginning counselor training, while Bilodeau, Savard and Lecomte increase knowledge in the field of counselor supervision. Buser et al. utilized a quasi-experimental design to determine the effectiveness of brief and extended mindfulness practice as compared to a control group. Surprisingly, students did not need extended practice to benefit from the training. Patterson and Levitt utilized grounded theory to develop a constructivist sense making process theory to help counselor educators better understand the development of counselors-in-training. Bilodeau, Savard, and Lecomte’s research added to the understanding of supervision working alliance by investigating the effect of counselor-in-training proneness to shame. Proneness to shame was inversely related to perceived relationship with supervisor, thus having a significant impact on counselor supervision. Pierce and Wooloff provide practical examples of how to utilize movies to help students integrate identity development models into their understanding of clients. Pierce and Wooloff discuss the movies as part of an overall curriculum with self-assessments, role-plays and case studies. We thank all of our dedicated reviewers who responded quickly to everything asked of them. We also thank our wonderful Editorial Assistants: Jonathan Mazza, Jennifer Midura, and Jessica Spera. They spend endless hours organizing the process, working with reviewers and authors, editing articles, and putting everything together. We also thank the NARACES Board for giving us the opportunity to continue to share practical research and knowledge with our members by appointing us as co-editors of the Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, even as Dr. Burlew steps down after this issue, leaving Dr. Renfro-Michel as sole editor.Articles
Student-Counselor Development During the First Year: A Qualitative Exploration
Cornelia A. Patterson and Dana Heller Levitt
Influence of Mindfulness Practice on Counseling Skills Development
Trevor J. Buser, Juleen K. Buser, Christina Hamme Peterson, and Don G. Seraydarian
Trainee Shame-Proneness and the Supervisory Process
Cynthia Bilodeau, Reginald Savard, and Conard Lecomte
Using Movies to Teach Identity Development to Graduate Counseling Students
Gloria Pierce and Claire J. Wooloff
Complete Issue
The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision Volume 4, Number 1
Edina Renfro-Michel and Larry Burlew