Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision | Vol 7 | No. 2

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Volume 7, Number 2 (2015) Creativity in Counselor Education and Supervision

We are excited to introduce our first special issue, Summer 2015, with the theme of Creativity. Nolte, Bruce and Becker introduce a research mentoring model for counselor education doctoral students. They provide specific examples and a thorough model description. Fulton and Gonzalez research student feedback in a career counseling course that focuses on experiential learning. Gary and Grady explore ways to utilize television media into group coursework to enhance student learning. As editor, I thank all of the dedicated reviewers who worked quickly and diligently to produce high quality manuscripts for JCPS. I want to thank, with deep appreciation, Associate Editor Jane Webber for her dedication and hard work as she finishes her tenure with JCPS. I also recognize Editorial Assistant Ellery Parker, and Graduate Assistant Lauren Spinella who spent many hours working with reviewers and authors. Additionally, I thank the NARACES Board for their continued support.



Building a Community of Researchers Using the Research Mentoring Model
Meaghan C. Nolte, Mary Alice Bruce, and Kent W. Becker

Complete Issue