Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Volume 11, Number 2 (2018)
Collaborative Gatekeeping Between Site Supervisors and Mental Health Counseling Faculty
Christian Dean, Sarah E. Stewart-Spencer, Anne Cabanilla, Dale V. Wayman, and Mindy Heher
Shaping Supervisory Working Alliance From a Distance
Tawny Chamberlain and Carol Smith
Developing a Pre-practicum Environment for Beginning Counselors: Growing My Counselor Educator Self
Logan M. Lamprecht and Sneha Pitre
The Relationship Between Counseling Students’ Theoretical Orientation and Treatment Outcomes
Jessica Holm, Cynthia Bevly, and Elizabeth Prosek
Evaluation of a Program Designed to Increase Retention in Counselor Education: Reaching Year Two
James D. Jensen, Aida Midgett, and Diana M. Doumas
Research Mentorship: Implications for the Preparation of Doctoral Students
Alyse M. Anekstein and Linwood G. Vereen
A Social Media Policy for Clinical Mental Health Counseling Programs
Rebecca A. Willow, David Tobin, Wei Y. Chong, Angela Jeffery, Danielle Strohmeyer, and Nicole Morine
Empirical Research Article
The Experiences of Counselors-in-Training in a School-based Counseling Practicum
Christopher T. Belser, Naomi J. Wheeler, Samuel L. Bierbrauer, Coralis S. Solomon, Shaywanna Harris, A Elizabeth Crunk, and Glenn W. Lambie