Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision | Vol 11 | No. 2

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Volume 11, Number 2 (2018)



Collaborative Gatekeeping Between Site Supervisors and Mental Health Counseling Faculty
Christian Dean, Sarah E. Stewart-Spencer, Anne Cabanilla, Dale V. Wayman, and Mindy Heher


A Social Media Policy for Clinical Mental Health Counseling Programs
Rebecca A. Willow, David Tobin, Wei Y. Chong, Angela Jeffery, Danielle Strohmeyer, and Nicole Morine

Empirical Research Article


The Experiences of Counselors-in-Training in a School-based Counseling Practicum
Christopher T. Belser, Naomi J. Wheeler, Samuel L. Bierbrauer, Coralis S. Solomon, Shaywanna Harris, A Elizabeth Crunk, and Glenn W. Lambie