Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision | Vol 4 | No. 2

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Volume 4, Number 2 (2012)

Editor Notes

In this edition of JCPS we included articles focusing on research and practice in counselor education, counseling and supervision. As per the mission of the journal, we welcome all submissions in the following categories: research, techniques, counselor development, supervision issues, informed practice, clinical supervisor’s stories and book reviews related to counselor education and supervision.

We have two articles that focus on empirical research. Burkholder’s article focuses on counselor education, while Cook, Pérusse and Rojas provide research for school counselor training. Burkholder used a qualitative, phenomenological research design to examine the experiences of voluntarily departed counselor education doctoral students. While investigating the shared themes of this population, it is apparent that faculty interactions significantly affect students and may have the effect of increasing retention rates in doctoral programs. Cook, Pérusse and Rojas investigated school counselor interventions targeted at increasing high school graduation rate for Latina/o students. Many interventions currently used can increase graduation rates, and the authors highlight specific interventions for the training of school counselors. Both of these articles add significant contributions to fields with a paucity of research.

Our practice articles provide counselor educators with specific examples of activities to increase students learning. Evans, Levitt and Henning provide counselor educators with an overview of ethical decision-making models, and a discussion on the integration of selfawareness into these models. The authors continue with specific examples for supervisors and counselor educators to utilize with counselors-in-training. Rehfuss and Meyer detail the integration of a semester-long group experiential research activity. Within the article are instructions on how to introduce the group activity, provide feedback, and implement week-by-week lesson plans.

As editor, I want to thank all of the dedicated reviewers who responded quickly to everything asked of them, and helped to produce high quality manuscripts for JCPS. I also thank my wonderful Editorial Assistants: Jonathan Mazza, Jennifer Midura, and Jessica Spera. They spend endless hours organizing the process, working with reviewers and authors, editing articles, and putting everything together. Additionally, I thank the NARACES Board for giving me the opportunity to continue to share practical research and knowledge with our members by appointing me as editor of the Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision. I want to especially thank Dr. Larry Burlew for his mentoring, enabling me to produce this issue as sole editor.


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