
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Volume 7, Number 3 (2015)

We are excited to bring you the Fall 2015 issue of the Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision. This issue includes eight articles on a variety of topics.

In counselor education, authors investigate counseling student perceptions of sexual violence (Kushmider, Beebe & Black), explore the dissertation process at CACREP-accredited doctoral programs (Borders, Wester, Flickling, & Adamson), conduct a qualitative study exploring Black students’ preparation to counsel White clients (Haskins, Phelps & Crowell), survey pre-tenured counselor educators to determine the prevalence of and barriers to providing direct counseling services (Reljic, Lindsey & Protivnak). Focusing on counselor supervision, Shurts describes how to integrate postmodernism into counselor supervision and Felton, Morgan, and Bruce explore supervisors’ experiences in triadic supervision. Adding to the school counseling literature, Ockerman, Patrikakou, and Hollenbeck focus on school counselors’ confidence in providing Response to Intervention and Perusse, Poynton, Parzych and Goodnough compare current a survey of school counseling programs with a survey from 2001 and discuss how school counseling programs have changed. All of these manuscripts add significant information to the counseling, counselor educator, and supervision fields.

As editor, I thank all of the dedicated reviewers who worked quickly and diligently to produce high quality manuscript for JCPS. I also recognize my Associate Editor Jane Webber as she finishes her tenure with us. Jane worked tirelessly with the authors and manuscripts in this issue, she was a wonderful team member, and we will miss working with her. I want to also thank Editorial Assistant Ellery Parker who keeps me organized, and Graduate Assistants Lauren Spinella who spent many hours working on this issue, and Massiel Rosario who is our newest team member for her hard work. Additionally, I thank the NARACES Board for their continued support.



Rape Myth Acceptance: Implications for Counselor Education Programs
Kristin D. Kushmider, Jennifer E. Beebe, and Linda L. Black


Dissertations in CACREP-Accredited Counseling Doctoral Programs: An Initial Investigation
L. DiAnne Borders, Kelly L. Wester, Melissa J. Fickling, and Nicole A. Adamson


Critically Examining Black Students’ Preparation to Counsel White Clients
Natoya Hill Haskins, Rosemary E. Phelps, and Candice Crowell


Lessons from Triadic Supervisors: Maximizing Effectiveness
Andrew Felton, Michael Morgan, and Mary Alice Bruce


Preparation of School Counselors and Response to Intervention: A Profession at the Crossroads
Melissa S. Ockerman, Eva Patrikakou, and Amy Feiker Hollenbeck


Changes Over Time in Masters Level School Counselor Education Programs
Rachelle Perusse, Timothy A. Poynton, Jennifer L. Parzych, and Gary E. Goodnough

Complete Issue