Most Recent Additions*


St. Anthony's Lighthouse, Falmouth
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania


Client Welfare as an Anchor: Lived Experiences of Gatekeepers in Counselor Education
Jessica L. Motroni Banik, Katherine F. Coule, Nicole Bradley, and Joseph M. Rizzo


The Application of Relational Cultural Theory in Digitally Delivered CE Programs
Jinnelle V. Powell, Nicole Bradley, Jayce Patton, Carrie Lynn Bailey, Gary M. Szirony, and Kathleen Levingston


Child Sex Trafficking and Professional School Counselor Preparedness in Texas
Devon E. Romero, Claudia G. Interiano-Shiverdecker, Katherine E. McVay, and Brenda Jones


A 20-Year Review of School Counselor Roles: Discrepancies Between Actual Practice and Existing Models
Joy J. Burnham, Heather Fye, C. Marie Jackson, Michelle Ocampo, and Leah Clark


S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Self-care for Counselors
Nicole Marie Arcuri Sanders and Jenny Kim


2001-07-27 PCA Board Cumulative Report
Pennsylvania Counseling Association

*Updated as of 09/13/24.